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Oct 6, 2020

**CW**  Emotional Distress **CW**

Welcome back to Haven Hollow, TX. It's been a long time but everyone is going out. No one is more surprised than the staff of Haven Hollow's fanciest dining establishment Le Scavenge. 

Listen through to the end - you don't want to miss the promo for the podcast Missing Roll Player...

Jul 28, 2020

We interrupt this season to bring you some bonus BookENDs. In this episode Sheldon is taking a turn answering the reference desk phones. How bad can it be?

Written and produced by Chriss Chaney and Lara Tabri. Sound editing and design by Chriss. 

Chriss voiced Sheldon. Patron 1 is Jordache Richardson, and Patron 2 is...

Apr 30, 2020

We interrupt this season to bring you some bonus BookENDs. In this episode Marjorie tries very very hard to leave a message.

Written and produced by Chriss Chaney and Lara Tabri. Sound editing and design by Chriss. 

Chriss voiced Hazel. Lara voiced Marjorie. Aleya Stone voiced Dr. Benjamin Brittle. The introduction was...

Apr 19, 2020

We interrupt this season to bring you some bonus BookENDs. Hollowites are confined to their homes for a bit. The Library is closed. What now?

Written and produced by Chriss Chaney and Lara Tabri. Sound editing and design by Chriss. 

Chriss voiced Hazel. Lara voiced Marjorie. The introduction was voiced by Alixandria...

Mar 21, 2020

Welcome to the third Season 2 BookEND - an Atomic Library mini-episode in which we listen to everyone's favorite podcast "Mystery Girl's Mystery World."

Written and produced by Chriss Chaney and Lara Tabri. Sound editing and design by Chriss. 

Rebecca Hale voiced Mystery Girl, Chriss voiced Sheldon, Aleya Stone voiced...